Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile untuk Pelaporan Tindak Kriminal ke Kantor Polisi Terdekat Menggunakan Location Based Service


  • Defry Universitas Atma Jaya Makassar


GPS, Google, Maps, API, Mobile


People commonly make crime reports by visiting the police station, so as for the problem in this research, how do people who are in an emergency situation can immediately send a report to the police, either experiencing a traffic accident or kidnapping, seeing drug transactions or listening to murder plans, so all criminality can be reported directly without having to go to the police station to make a crime report and how the police get a crime report from the community complete with photo/video evidence and get the location of the incident without having to meet the community. The purpose of this research is to design a mobile application that utilizes the Google Maps API service to be able to take photos or videos accompanied by the location of the incident which will then be sent to the nearest police station from the location. The method used is Location Based Services (LBS) by utilizing Global Positioning Services (GPS) combined with Google Maps services. The results of this study are that with the mobile application, the public can report any criminal acts that are happening anywhere and anytime without having to come to the police station and make it easier for the police to get notification of criminal reports from the public accompanied by photos or videos and the location of the incident. The police and some of the general public have tested the design of this mobile application.



How to Cite

Defry. (2023). Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile untuk Pelaporan Tindak Kriminal ke Kantor Polisi Terdekat Menggunakan Location Based Service. TEMATIKA: Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Informatika Dan Sistem Informasi, 11(1), 1–10. Retrieved from