Perancangan Sistem Pelayanan Administrasi Pasien untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Khusus Daerah Ibu dan Anak Pertiwi
Hospitals are health service providers who are required to be proactive and provide maximum and quality services. The hospital should provide safe, quality, and effective health services by prioritizing the interests of patients by hospital service standards with quality and quality health services. Based on the visit table data at the Hospital in 2017 there were 10326 patients, in 2018 there were 8412 patients and in 2019 there were 4464 patients. The results of outpatient visit data at Hospital for the last 3 years have decreased the number of patients. To solve these problems, research is focused on an integrated patient care system that functions to simplify the patient care process, from patient data storage, administrative data, as well as patient care and treatment to create maximum service. In this study using the spiral method and the results of research tests conducted on registration employees and IT employees show that this integrated system design can manage patient data efficiently.