Ethical Clearance And Plagiarism Screening
Author Contribution
Each author is expected to contribute significantly to the work's design, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation, software creation, drafting, or substantial revision, as well as the approval of the submitted version (including the version substantially altered by the journal's staff, which includes the author's contribution to the work).
Each author is expected to significantly contribute to the work's design, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, software creation, substantial revision or drafting, and/or approval of the version submitted (including the version modified by the journal staff, incorporating the author's contribution to the work). Clear and concise language should be used, and technical terms should be clearly defined upon first use. A logical structure must be maintained with causal connections between statements, and subjective evaluations must be clearly indicated as such. The language used should be formal, avoiding colloquialisms, contractions, and jargon and employing hedging to make one's position clear. Citation and formatting should adhere to standard guidelines, quotes should be clearly marked, and filler words should be avoided. Lastly, the text should be free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors and should employ precise and appropriate vocabulary. For articles with multiple authors, it is necessary to provide a brief paragraph outlining each author's individual contributions.